Muhammad Ali reminds us in a quote that despising a human being because of their ethnicity is immoral. It does not matter if it is a black person not liking a white person or vice versa, nevertheless it is simply wrong (Ali,2013). Racism was and currently is an issue in American society. However, there have been steps taken toward addressing racism. Institutional racism is also known as structural racism and societal racism. According to institutional racism is an system of inequality that produces racial differences in society (The Concept of Institutional Racism). It is usually brushed under the rug as if it doesn't exist. Institutional racism is actively taking place in the education system, the living conditions of African Americans and in the judicial system. Institutional racism is present in the African American communities as far as the education system. It is evident that institutional racism is present because of the fact there was more than 28 schools closed down in the minority communities. There are more than 400,000 students that attend public schools, most of them being African American and Hispanic. One reason Barbara Byrd-Bennett gave was in so many words the schools were being closed down because they were not being used to the best ability and lacked some things to make the children successful (Yaccino and Rich, 2013). Questions spark on whether the child's interest was taken into consideration. A question pondered by many in the society is "Where are the children expected to go to school now? Yes, the parent can place the child in another school but according to Yaccino and Rich the schools the children are going to attend are any better than the school that was closed down. There could be some cases where schools that were not shut down do not have the resources that the student needs to learn and excel (Yaccino and Rich, 2013). People that make the decisions on closing schools are closing the schools down for incorrect reasons. Schools are being closed down because it is believed children in black communities or minority communities have been cheated out of their assets. All of this information is based on test scores and the academic achievement of the school. Even though test scores are important factor in learning, schools should not be closed down for this purpose because with most parents test scores are exempt from choosing a school to send their child too. According to Journal of School Public Relations where a particular school was observed it was concluded that when parents made the decision to send their children to Armstrong, the test scores and academic achievement wasn't a reason (Danzig and Lewis, 2010). If academic is not a main factor in a school one picks for their children to attend, there are other factors that plays a role. There are other push factors a guardian puts into consideration while narrowing down a school that fits their family. Everyone doesn't reflect on the school's entire academic achievements because the whole school is not their child. In the same journal it is concluded that classroom and school size is important because parents do not want their c