Our boutique, “By Design," has only one location in Streamwood, Illinois. We offer a variation of fashion clothing products that serve a broad range in ladies wear. We have been providing highly trendy and fashionable apparel in our community for over two decades. We provide to our customers the platform where they can come and choose the stylish apparel and feel confident in their groups. Mission Statement “Fulfilling our customer’s needs by making available to them the finest stuff and distinctive designs and having always in mind their comfort and eminence” Target Market Our target market are females from youth to seniors. Our product diversity is very good for a modest boutique. Unfortunately, we should modify and extend our target market in anticipation of a Wal-Mart opening in our neighborhood. A great percentage of our sales comes from middle aged consumers from 20 to 50 years old. The apparel we sell in our boutique are also aimed at 40 years old to 50 years olds that desire to appear “fashionable” at work. The apparel’s style is suitable to that age group too. If we are to consider attracting a broader market and a more youthful consumer base, then we should expand our styling options, to reflect this category of people. In addition, if we managed to expand to a big city, such as Chicago, more clients could find out about our customized orders. Organization Objective I. Our boutique should be organized and run in a unique and distinct way to our customers. Our boutique should come first to mind when a client decides to purchase apparel. In order to do well in our community once Wal-Mart makes its presence, we should position our brand and products in a very unique manner. This way when the customer will be shopping for clothing, he will choose high quality over low prices. Organization Objective II. Our first organizational objective is closely related to our second goal. The goal is to remain in business once we get into direct competition with Wal-Mart. If we accomplish the first objective then our second goal should not be an issue. To remain in business and keep “By Design” shop running, we assume that we prevent a decline in sales and retain the core of our customers. Marketing Objective I. Maintain and improve the level of customer service that our customers enjoyed prior to the introduction of Wal-Mart in our neighborhood. Even though our customer service has always been great, it is still vital to focus on improving our client service to keep customers coming to our boutique. Marketing Objective II. To drive awareness through public relations, advertising and promotions. Advertising and promotions are immensely essential to the survival of our boutique. Effective advertising will attract people to our store. We should consider advertising strategies that are based on website exposure because they are cost-effective for our limited budget. SWOT Analysis Strengths After an extensive research, we realize the “By Design” shop has many advantages compared to larger companies such as Walmart. We provide our customers with unique service and we show in every chance we get that we truly care for our customers. Our store offers a wide selection of clothing and apparel for women of all ages. The product line is comprised of blouses, jeans, dresses, handbags, jackets and shoes. Our merchandise is supported by firms containing high class brands such as Charlie Allen, Ribicoff, La Martina, Bottega Christian Louboutin, Bella Formals, Alexander Wang and Brighton. In addition, our employees are specialized in color analysis, which assist in offering our clients with color-coordinated attires and dresses that will update and enhance the customer’s features. Not many firms, such as Wal-Mart, have employees specialized in color analysis. This is certainly a streng