
My Dog - Bella Claire

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On December 23, 2014, my sisters and I got our new little puppy. We all agreed that her name was going to be Bella Claire. Bella was this adorable, little, brown puppy with curly fur. She is a miniature Shih Tzu and a house dog. Bella is the most playful puppy I have ever played with, but if someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell she becomes aggressive. As soon as someone walks into our house she get so excited we are afraid she might have a heart attack. Bella loves playing with all her toys. Even though she is only three month, she knows how to sit, fetch, roll over, and give high fives. When we first got her, all she wanted to do was sleep. After about a week is when Bella finally wanted to play. Now thats all she wants to do no matter what time of the day or night. It can be one o'clock in the morning and she is scratching at my door to come in with her ball in her mouth ready to play. Every morning if someone does not play with her she will make this little crying sound until she gets her attention. She is a very spoiled puppy. Every month she gets a new toy, so that means another time out the day someone has to play with it. In all we love her to death and spend as much time with her as we can around our schedules. Bella also enjoys eating. You can swear this dogs is always eating when she is not trying to get you to play with her. We always have to have her food and water bowl full, or otherwise she will carry her little pink bowl to someone to get it filled up. My sisters and I are always saying how can a little puppy eat so much food. Of course with her eating so much food and drinking so much water she has to use the bathroom a lot. Thank gosh Bella is potty trained to use her little puppy pads and not on our floors. Every time she potties on her matt, she know she will get a treat for being a good puppy. She automatically runs to the cabinets where all her food and treats are stored and will sit and bark until s

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