Your out of high school do you feel burned out, in need of a plan, or need a little extra money for college or even after college? Traditionally once someone graduates high school there next step immediately is college but what many graduates are doing now is taking a "Gap Year" which is a break between secondary school and higher education. After twelve straight years of schooling many students may feel exhausted and even though college may be necessary for a better living in your future it may be the worst possible option for a graduate with some time off it can really help a students attitude towards college. Students may have their doubts but even the most prestigious schools offer scholarships to those who take their year off such as Princeton, North Carolina, and Harvard. For most parents they also have their uncertainties with their cradle-to-college mindset. But what parents don't know every student plans about their future some more than others but everyone cares so if a student has no idea what their ambitions are it gives them the much needed time to figure out what they want to have a degree in. Many students who enroll into college have no interest in what they are studying because they don't know what there passion really is with the time off you can do whatever it is you please and with that time you will be able to find who you really are whether its traveling the world, visiting relatives, or even working at a local community center. Taking time off does not imply giving up on getting a higher education but it means finding out what your purpose is and what college really means to you. By the most part, many students may feel very overworked and fatigued after school it can be the healthiest and safest option to resort to. If they ever feel lost or not enough self confidence it never hurts to go down the nostalgia path and spend plenty of time with family you don't get to see that often. With a more favorable attitude towards your academics not only will you graduate with ease but with excellent grades. According to the Huffington Post, Many schools report that gap year students have higher GPAs and are