One of the biggest problems in the world right now is the fact that almost half of the world's population doesn't have enough money to pay for enough food to feed their entire family, or even just themselves. In Africa you can see this problem growing the fastest. This is caused by the fact that there are a lot of people here but also the fact that they live in primitive circumstances. But Africa isn't the only place where this is a problem, in Asia and even Europe this problem is present. And even though we all know this issue is present we don't even come close to fixing it, we only started by giving little donations. But we need to solve this problem quickly, before this problem becomes unfixable. It will cost a lot of money to help and stop the poverty and the famine in the world, I know that. We have this money, only we spend it on all the wrong things like wars and a new golden chariot for our royal family. Did you know that every year the U.S. spend about one billion dollars on wars in the Middle East? And what is all this money spent on? The wage of the soldiers, the food for the soldiers and the numerous machines and the gas so these machines can work. If we could all work together and cut down these expenses only by ten percent, and give this to the people who really need it, we could easily help a lot of people get food for their families and we can get them a job so they can earn an honest pay check, so they can feed their families on their own from now on. Another thing on which we spend a lot of money is the numerous space programs like NASA. Annually they spend 100 billion U.S. Dollars on rockets and satellites. And you may say that this is very important and we need to explore the universe and start colonies on different planets, but half of this huge amount of money is spent on failing projects: rockets which aren't strong enough to get to space, or even achieve lift off. It's spent on satellites which are shot into s