
Feasibility of Living with No Regrets

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Living with no regrets has become a major focus for my generation, as seen with the growing popularity of the acronym "YOLO." Many people believe that living with no regrets leads to a better, more successful life. I do believe that letting regrets bog you down is not the proper way to go about life. While not worrying about any of the problems that surround you in everyday life sounds relaxing, it doesn't sound logical and feasible. Especially contributing that to having a successful life just doesn't sound logical. Can you live a successful life with no regrets? Is living with no regrets even possible? Are mistakes and regrets the same thing? Everyone makes mistakes because no one is perfect. Mistakes are an essential part of life because we as humans grow from them and become better. The belief that living with no regrets will lead to a better life is completely false. Regrets are needed for the human race to evolve. We learn from our mistakes in order to further develop our knowledge. If people didn't learn lessons, mistakes would be constantly repeated. That is why lessons are integral for a successful life. Everything takes trial and error. You regret decisions you make, forcing you to learn to not commit the same mistake, so next time something similar comes around the right decision is made. Filling the Hindenburg zeppelin with hydrogen, a highly combustible gas, was one of the biggest mistakes in history. We regretted that mistake and therefore learned a lesson from it. Blimps are filled with helium instead of hydrogen because of that mistake. Learning from that mistake is what made us more successful. Otherwise, we would still have blimps combusting during flight today. Living a successful life without regrets is impossible. There is a question that just begs to be asked. Is it even possible to live regret free? No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. So do mistakes and regrets go hand in hand? Everyone regrets at least

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