
Taking Risks and Making Mistakes

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Have you ever regretted doing or not doing a certain task? You might regret it because you didn’t want to take any risks. In life, majority people take a risk every day. Yes, some make mistakes, but some can usually take that mistake and brush it aside or learn from it. Then others take the risk again without making mistakes the next time. A firm belief is established in a lifestyle in whether or not someone is a risk taker or not. It will usually depend on how well they take to making mistakes. If a person believes they want something bad enough or they care about the situation they are in, they should take that risk to achieve what they want to accomplish, although they may make a mistake. Taking risks adds many ups and downs to life. Positive aspects to a risk taking life are numerous. There are subjects such as: beginning a steady relationship with a boy friend or girl friend by taking the risk to ask him/her to date, you can also strengthen a previous relationship you may have had, there’s also the possibility of having luck on your side when taking the risk to get an objective done in a high risk situation. For example, if an individual is a rescue unit and they have to save someone from a rock cliff. They take that risk of having the rope break and plummeting to the bottom of the rocks, but they take that risk to keep the victim out of harms way. A person may also earn a well known reputation by being a risk taker, like when President Franklin Roosevelt sent the bomber planes to Japan after Pearl Harbor. There was high risk of an imminent attack both on land or sea again; but Roosevelt held firm and took the risk of retaliation and saved the country from despair for the time being. When someone takes a risk they put a reputation on the line. When an individual takes the risk of making a relationship they can very easily make mistakes. The value of taking risks can be a very essential part of a person’s life; however, it could very well create turmoil for the future of that individual. When a person makes a mistake it can hurt the individual or somebody else very badly. Making mistakes is all par for the course. There will always be a mistake to be made; no one can deny it. The way one might go about handling a situation is crucial to the number of mistakes that are out there. When you make a mistake you can either choose to let it drag you down with sorrow or you can pick your self up. Try to move on and correct the problem, before it happens again. Please choose to pick yourself up. The feeling of letting the mistakes drag a person down hurt worse than that person going on about their life and moving on. Although a mistake is usually seen as appalling, it is sometimes shown to me as a sign of reconciliation. That feeling is brought to me by making a mistake and showing remorse which in time strengthens a relationship again between conflicting people. Every time a person is assigned to do anything of any nature they are at risk. They may not be at a dangerous risk, but it could just be the simple risk of making a minor mistake. When a police officer is assigned to a work unit, they are at risk of being hurt in the line of duty. When a student is assigned an essay they are at risk of possibly flunking the project. The values of these risks and mistakes are somewhat valuable to the everyday nature of the human world. When famous inventors pursue to make an invention they take risks and make mistakes. The inventor may take a risk and use his hard earned dollars to bui

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