
Criminals and Assimilation Back to Society

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The literature detailing the plight of ex-offenders as they assimilate back into mainstream society is extensive. There is an abundant source of information and research regarding this subject matter. The articles and research papers detailing the experience of ex-offenders and their folly with illegal and controlled substance are catalogued as far back as the early 1900’s. With so much information available, I was able to find articles that were directly related to drug addiction and ex-offenders. The initial stage of data mining entailed finding peer-reviewed articles that related to drug addiction, specifically referencing individuals post incarceration. Articles that were specifically oriented towards mainstream and alternative treatments were especially useful in constructing this literature review. Many articles were found that gave an in-depth portrayal of the recovery process and the struggles encountered by ex-offenders. In the article, Harm Reduction for Drug Abusing Ex-Offenders, these issues are addressed as well as the need for social reform efforts that cater to the bride between drug use and drug recovery (2014). The article suggest that the road toward recovery is just as turbulent as the recovery process itself, especially for ex-offenders. Ex-offenders not only have to deal with the possibility of being re-incarcerated if they relapse, they must also deal with the other consequences that affect drug users. In Sparrows article, Recalling the past: probation officers work with drug misusers during the 1960, he suggested that the incidents of illegal activity increases among populations that have a criminal background (Koob, Brocato, & Kleinpeter, 2011). Our society as a whole is impacted by the drug treatment programs or lack thereof in our communities. Bridge programs aimed at supporting ex-offenders, with drug abuse histories, upon their release are not always effective or in some cases nonexistent (Koob et al., 2011). The two articles mentioned above were particularly useful in establishing a holistic view of a drug addict post incarceration. They were also beneficial in the sense that these articles provide unique viewpoints to this literature review. My research yielded six articles that encompass the adversities faced by recovering drug addicts with a criminal history. Even though there are many articles on this subject there is still information that might have been enlightening had it been incorporated into the articles used to write this review, specifically; individual account or personal accounts, specific reasons for relapse, demographic infor

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