
Teaching To Kill a Mockingbird

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“To Kill a Mockingbird” is a story by Harper Lee, an author who hails from the great state of Alabama. The story is based on a white lawyer who defends a black man in a rape case. The most interesting part of the story is the time period that this occurred; which is during the depression era. The town that the story is based in is also located in the in Alabama which has had a reputation for being very racist due to the amount of slavery that occurred historically in the state. Throughout the story Lee touches on many different topics from compassion, to integrity, and even many times addresses diversity of race. One main point I believe the author wanted the reader to grasp was the racial injustices that occurred to African Americans during this time period. I remember this novel given to us as an assignment when I was a sophomore in high school. As a sophomore in high school I was given this novel for a report, similar to the one I am writing. At the time, I did not understand what could be interpreted as inappropriate about the story; due to its truthfulness and perception of history. Some people find this novel offensive because of its racist nature and subject. “It’s demeaning and offensive to those students who have to put up with this” (Saney, 1) I disagree, I believe if our generation understood what the generations before us had to endure we would have a greater appreciation of the opportunities we are granted on a daily basis. The society we currently live in is so sensitive toward the truth of American History and has tried in various ways to cast a shadow upon is gruesome truth. “Words such as “damn” and “nigger” are used over and over which many find offensive”,. The books as well as the words that are used throughout the story are a part of our history. If we try to hide the history that we have then we are running away from the issues that we once dealt with as a country. Most that disagree sha

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