Django Unchained is a movie that takes place in the times of slavery where the blacks have to fight, entertain, and work at the pleasure of the white supremacist. Jamie Foxx played the heroic character and in my opinion did a miraculous and stupendous job. He gives the sense, “there is still hope.” The former-slave teamed up with a German Bounty hunter in order to free his wife from a tyrannical plantation owner, Leonardo DiCaprio. This leads to a humongous and heightened stand off at the end of the movie, this is the scene that I will be focusing on for my depiction, which I believes tells a lot about each character. Listen closely for the addition of the music as well. The music is used to enhance the scene, give it more character and uniqueness. Whether the sound added is diegetic or non-diegetic. In this scene the addition of music does not determine whether it is diegetic in entirely, the other surrounding sounds used in the scene, whether introduced as a suspenseful sound or the sounds being produced are visible within the shot determines it. The scenes start off as Django and the white supremacist leader finally confronting each other about the actions that have just taken place. The German Bounty hunter played by Christoph Waltz speaks in pro for his slaves and wants better, he no longer agrees with the ways of the plantation owner. The famous gun battle commences as he shoots him in the chest. Quentin has an eye or gory bloody action, and he did not fall up short when creating this shootout. The shootout follows to the center hallway of the house, shot as shot, one by one, and the villain’s fall. Django is fighting for his fellow friends as well as his own life at this point. You will notice that most of this scene introduces no outside music. Quentin wants the audience to understand the horror and realness of what is happening. He really enhances the pain and visuals of the villain’s because he wants to show them the