
Smoking Marijuana - An Individual Choice

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There is no shortage of controversy surrounding the effects of consuming marijuana. Divided into two camps are those who fiercely defend the benefits of the drug and those who point out the risks. While the concerns seem valid, the information about the effects of marijuana is not substantial. A thorough analysis of available information tells that marijuana is good for health, but seemingly, it has its share of side effects. According to studies, cannabis (marijuana) has various side effects. To some users, marijuana makes them composed, and helps them to socialize. Some addicts see the plant as a distraction to their productivity, since they have to spend most of their time either searching for or smoking the plant (Ingold). In order to consider negative and positive effects it is important to ask these questions: Does cannabis really causes amnesia? Is cannabis good for human consumption? What do the real findings and scientific data show? Can smoking cannabis lead to using other more addictive and harmful drugs? A survey conducted in 2007 reveals that marijuana is the most used illegal drug in the world. In the United States, it is estimated that about 14.4 million people have smoked marijuana at least twice in the previous two months (Inciardi). Marijuana is mostly smoked in pipes or rolled into a cigarette also called a joint. It can be consumed with food; baked into cookies, or brewed with tea. According to a study done by Denver Post in 2010, 65% of the youths between 15 and 30 have used marijuana at least once. Forty-six percent of the youths who have tried marijuana consider it as good, and only twelve percent said it had a negative side effect. According to Vision News 28% of youths stated that they have more information about marijuana, and expressed agitation towards the government for running commercial advertisements categorizing the plant as harmful as cocaine, whereas lab evidence provides contradictory information.  According to a report tabled by Criminal Justice and Public Safety, an opinion poll in the United States indicated that about 52% of the population approve legalization of legalized marijuana, but the government is still reluctant. They state they are waiting on a study about marijuana (American Sociological Association).  Recent scientific studies are trying to explain how cannabis functions and the effects it has to our brain. According to scientific data, the reaction of cannabis with the concentration of cannabinoid in your brain can cause euphoria, anxiety, and the feeling the users call “a high”, since it causes t

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