Before I begin, I would just like the say that I have not really given my culture, ethnicity or any of my subsequent traditions any bit of thought. As a liberal, atheist, freethinker, I feel that what divides us as a species are the color lines. Racial superiority has been a thing ever since mankind started to appear in all colors, and it sickens me to think that someone could actually feel superior to someone else just because of the color of their skin and or their genetics. I also feel that my people aren’t exactly the greatest when it comes down to history, you see my people the Spaniards are the enslavers of what are now known as the Mexican people today. I can only imagine how advanced Mexico would be had it not been for the enslavement and the subsequent indoctrination of its ancient ancestors the Aztecs. On my dad’s side I am Mexican, well Tex-Mex, and Cherokee, on my mom’s side I am Italian and Spanish. Being Mexican and Spanish weirds me out because my Mexican brethren have this sort of Stockholm syndrome towards the Spaniards. As I had mentioned, Mexico would not be what it is today had it not been for Spain. The same people that built the amazing pyramids of Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza are now reduced to what the world thinks as stupid, incompetent, lazy, and gimmicky, when I can assure you this is not the case at all. Mexico is a strong country, ravaged by poverty due to outside forces that have twisted and shaped it into a drug ring for the Juarez Cartel, although the cartel is actually made up of Cuban and Puerto Rican members, not full blooded Mexicans. The once strong and active races of advanced and intelligent Aztecs are now something of a joke, a joke that has seen great mockery from famous comedians such as Paul Rodriguez, Gabriel Iglesias, and George Lopez. The accent is distinctive, the language is famous, the food is legendary, but our race is a gag or so it has become because of everyone else. We are not stupid, we are not lazy and we are not helpless, but we are lost. Lost in the sense that we know nothing much of our ancient culture. Our ancient people mapped the constellations, built pyramids that have stood the test of time and cut stone in such a way that mortar was not needed to hold large works of architecture together. We as a people need to get back to our actual roots. That’s not to say that the youth are not trying to be better. Our parents back in the days followed in the foot-steps of great men. Men like Cesar Chavez and Edward James