"This book is written for four different types of people - The Committed, The Disgruntled, The Waffling, and The Disconnected," says the authors, Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck. The purpose of this book is to try to show Christians to never give up on our church. DeYoung and Kluck try to show us that no matter how imperfect our church might be to truly love it. The Committed are the people who are already involved in their church. To this group the purpose of this book is to help motivate them to keep working hard. The Disgruntled are the church goers who are committed to the church but are frustrated because they have a limited impact. This group needs to be shown that sometimes their frustration is out of proportion. Those who are currently in churches but are not involved and dissatisfied are The Waffling. The Waffling need to be shown that this could could harmful for the soul. Lastly The Disconnected are the ones who have left their church. The disconnected need to have an open mind and consider the importance of the church throughout the book. Matthew 7:14 says, "The gate is narrow and the way is hard thats leads to life, and those who find it are few." I completely agree with the authors about how the size of the church has no measure of its success. There is nothing in the Bible thats says the church will only flourish if its big. A small church can make as much of a difference as any other church. However the Bible does say there is joy in the rapid growth of the church, but that does not mean there isn't joy in a small church. Being part of a small church I believe that my church can make as much of a difference as a big church can. I was part of a big church and I didn't like it too much. They are different and both can make a big impact, just in different ways. God is in the midst of all the churches. "Our part is to do our part, but only God saves." It is our job to serve in our churches and pray for results because that