The winter of 2014 was quiet an experience for me, especially when January the 29th hit. Mostly, because me and one of my friends was one of the thousands of people stranded on the interstate miles from home and no way to get to my fathers place of work. First off, I was at home January the 28th and we had just got the news that it was probably going to snow the next day. So I and my family carried on as normal because we did not figure things would get that bad. But unfortunately my diabetic father had to work nights that night, so he went on to work as normal. His work carries him all the way to Alabaster in Shelby County. Later, the next morning I woke up and turned on the news an seen the whole state of Alabama pretty much paralyzed by this winter storm. I had also noticed I had some missed calls and a text message from my father telling me he did not have his insulin and another to stay off the roads. So I called him and asked him if he could make it home or to the hospital nearby. Which he could not because the plants roads were frozen due to the abundance of water that runs through it. So to avoid an argument I took it upon myself to take him his insulin along with some food and other supplies for the people there. One of my good friends and I loaded my truck down with supplies a cooler of drinks, some propane heaters, blankets pillows, and some MRE’s. After we finished that we hit the road. We started off heading down 145 and taking some back roads till we got to the Shelby airport exit. We had to get off there because the roads had started to get to rough so we tried our luck with the interstate which run out really quick. After we got off the exit we made it about 300 yards and were stuck. Me and my buddy was stranded with the other thousands of people, but at least we did not have far to go. Granted that, we got stuck we decided to just go ahead and walk the rest of the way. So we grabbed our gear and started walking. Th