
Writing in High School and College

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Upon first arriving at college, you realize everything is very different than it was in high school; the atmosphere, the people, and of course the writing. It can be so mesmerizing and exciting, but once you get into a classroom you have to understand a lot of things have changed from when you were in high school. When writing at a college level you have to take into consideration that the papers are much more time consuming than they were in high school. Also, while writing in college, the topics you are writing about are much more vast and there are more room for errors. In college, often teachers and peers do not help you as much as they did in high school. Writing in college is very diverse from writing in high school because of the differences in the fixed time you have to complete work, the more room you have for errors, and you do not receive as much help from teachers and peers. Once you start writing at the college level, deadlines come around a lot faster than they do while you are in high school. When in a hurry to finish a paper, students frequently come across writers block. Writers block isn’t always easy to overcome but once you get started it is sometimes hard to stop writing. Also, when you become close to deadlines its get tempting to plagiarize. In the Prentice Hall Reference Guide it states that when writing in college you need to get a good head start on your papers, so you are not capped for time and in a rush to finish your paper. Sometimes it is also hard to decide where to spend your time writing a paper. There are many ways that you can write a paper. In the article, Writing in College it states that the conclusion of your paper is the easiest to change up, and takes the least amount of time, because more than likely your conclusion is already complete and accurate. Most people are writing to learn, and it’s where we learn our most motivated ideas. In order to have a good conclusion our introductions have

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