Life is full of unexpected experiences. No one knows what will happen in the very next moment. In fact, these unexpected experiences happen when you meet a person who has the capability to change your life completely. I have met someone who is more than a man; he was and will always be my hero. He was soft spoken, yet every word he said held a strong meaning. Matthew taught me to love unconditionally, to respect myself, and to forgive others. Before we met, I would have said love does not exist, not because I never experienced it, but because I did not believe in love. He came into my life without a warning, he was my knight in shining armor. During this time in my life, I was lost and confused about how to love myself or anyone for that matter. Matthew and I shared a connection that was unbreakable. We would talk on the phone all night, sometimes until the sun came up. Every time I would hear his voice, butterflies would form in my stomach and I would get so excited. And I also shared my most intimate thoughts with him. Through his actions, he showed me unconditional love. He always acknowledged the little accomplishments I achieved, whether it was acing my tests or merely making it to the passing score. He taught me that love transcends all physical boundaries and is there to be felt and enjoyed with between two people. He taught me how to be patient in my life and to wait for good things to come to me, rather than stressing after them and never finding them. Before I met him, I really wasn’t sure of myself. But he came into my life and made me feel so strong and fearless.?He was the first person who I truly fell in love with and I can safely say that it is from him that I have learned to love unconditionally. Because of him, I began to develop the ultimate respect for myself as a young woman. I think Matthew always knew I was different from other females. He always respected me and never called me out of my name. He treated