William was surfing the net, when suddenly it was there. The dream job. He grabbed his phone, called instantly the boss, and they arranged a meeting already the next day. William was very nervous for the meeting, but joyful. He started planning all of it, what to say, what to do and what to wear. He wanted to give the boss a good impression. He wanted the job so much. William was interviewed for the job, they talked a lot about, what he was into, and he answered, that he loves acting and theatre. He felt very good speaking to the boss. He also told the boss, that he went to a youth school, when he was younger, at the youth school he was acting and making drama. He had so much fun with both. His dream job was to become an actor, because he thought, it was funny and he loved big dares. He always wanted to become an actor because there were at lot of difficulties with different roles; some times you have to be kind, and some times evil. Other roles give you opportunities to act sexy and nice. Williams’s grandmother and his daddy were actors and singers. His daddy was Glen Johnson, a very famed actor. He was known as Indiana Jones. William’s grandmother was a famous singer at a theatre. When William’s father was busy playing old movies, William passed a lot of time with his grandmother. Every time she had to perform, William was with her, then he got interested to be an actor. He got the job because he could do some impressive stuff and things that no one else could do. He could cry on command, and it is really cool to be able to do so, particularly if you are an actor. Not many can do so. At the job interview he encounters his good friend Dani. Dani told the boss a lot about him, a lot of good things, for example “he is an amazing actor. He empathize with the role very much, so much that you ponder it is his own and real personality, but it is not." The production has started writing the screenplay for a new television series; i