What is freedom? It is power to express your thoughts, speech and actions, as you want. It means being independent. In nowadays world most of the people have freedom of choice, they decide what they want and how they want their lives to be. But, in the book “The Giver,” by Lois Lowry, everything is different. The meaning of freedom is lost from the Community and that’s what main character, Jonas, tried to return back to people. The Community is a dystopian society, it’s a place where everyone is “the same” and has equal rights in order to maintain peace. But you cannot make people “same”, without taking their freedom, because every person wants to be better, to have more than other person has. That’s why there are many strict rules that citizens have to follow and which will make them equal. One of them is that no one has right to choose their own job. At the age of twelve every child at their Ceremony of twelve is given an assignment that they have to do for the rest of their lives, or until they enter House of Old. The elders who are like government in the community choose these assignments. It’s horrible when a person can’t choose something he wants to do in his life. Although no one protested because freedom was taken from them years ago, and they couldn’t already imagine a world where they had to choose themselves. Even Jonas said: “Or what if, they chose their own jobs! Very frightening. I can’t even imagine it." As mentioned above, freedom is lost among these people, they can’t even think about making their own choices. Also one of the things that people can’t choose is whom they want to marry. Elders are the ones who again, choose that for them. They find two people whose interests match and make them spouses. Marriage is a very serious thing; it has to have love and understanding, with taking this choice from people, they forget what love is. But it’s not only about not having right to marry t