
Narrative Essay - My Worst Relationship

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Some things are easier to remember and harder to forget. I can remember my first date as if it happened yesterday. I’ve tried to forget this boyfriend, but he never seems to go away. As I have gotten older I can laugh at the whole thing. That thing I’m talking about is my first real boyfriend and my first date. I was seventeen years old. I know that most people now go on their first date and have boyfriends at the age of twelve, but not me. My parents were strict and wanted to instill good values in me and my brother, so we weren’t allowed out much. My mom especially didn’t want us to grow up, but I turned seventeen, which meant that I was allowed to go on my first date and become the social butterfly I was meant to be. The only exception was my brother had to come along, so this social butterfly was more like a caterpillar. I was fine with it because I felt as though my first date was long overdue; I mean I was seventeen for goodness sake. The day arrived and I was so excited I could barely stand it. I got ready and made sure everything was perfect, which everyone knows it’s hard for a girl to accomplish in an hour let alone a full day. I literally did take the whole day to get ready for an hour date. My brother had a life of his own and was ready to get this night over with, but he also wanted to put the fear of God into whoever the boy was. I have to admit my brother was always there for me and this particular moment I thanked God he was there because I think it would have went a lot worse if he hadn’t come. We arrived at the movie theater about an hour earlier before my date. I was still nervous, but having my brother waiting alongside me was great considering I was still freaking out on the inside and I would have looked like a loser sitting there by myself. My date finally arrived and introduced himself to my brother. I've wished so many times that it would end there, but it didn’t. After the introductions of each other the awkwardness began. I didn’t know what to say, my date didn’t know what to say, and my brother didn’t know what to say. We went to our movie and the sitting arrangement was as followed: I sat at the end, my date sat next to me, and my brother sat on the other side of my date. Some people like to go on group date

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