
Seven Day Daily Health Journal

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Day 1 Physical I am lying in the yoga “Pose of the Child.” It feels strange to do this after a long time of not doing it. I notice that my back is a little sore right in the center so I arch it a little bit-there, that’s better. My body feels pretty good though, overall. Mental My mind is very busy at first with ideas of all kinds of other things that I should be doing instead, but it does calm down eventually. Emotional am still feeling a little hurt over what Carol said to me this morning. It really wasn’t that important and I try to let it go, but I can’t seem to. Spiritual I check to see how in touch I am with Spirit today, and find that I am pretty out of touch. I think I’ve been out of touch for a while now, because I have been so busy, and I resolve to try to operate more in the spiritual dimension. Day 2 Physical I took a terrific long run this morning and I feel great, but it also feels great to lie down and rest. Mental I am very preoccupied with tonight’s homework assignment, and am trying to clear my head a little so that I will be able to do it. This program seems so complicated sometimes that it is overwhelming, and I am not great at prioritizing. I resolve to work on this some more. Emotional I feel pretty well-balanced today; don’t have anything in particular troubling me, which is a great relief. Spiritual I feel pretty tuned-in to the spiritual realm today too, after my long, successful run. It was a particularly beautiful day and I stayed very conscious of nature while I was running. Day 3 Physical A noticed a little dark mole near my nose today that I had never noticed before. I had better get it checked out since skin cancer does tend to run in the family. Probably it is nothing though. Mental I am worried a bit about the mole now-really, how silly. Why do we worry so much about things in the future? I know that most things on the face and body turn out to be benign. All I need to do is call and make an appointment! Emotional Dan (husband’s name here) and I had a squabble this morning and even the kids got involved in it. Since I started it, I am making everyone’s favorite spaghetti sauce for dinner to apologize. It was over nothing, really, but it felt bad for everyone. Spiritual I feel kind of out of sorts in every way today, and that includes the spiritual. This tends to be more the case on the days I don’t go running, and I didn’t today-it’s my day off. I sat for a while and took some nice long deep breaths and tried to reconnect with God (or whatever your word for it is) and it kinda’ worked. Oh, well, there’s always tomorrow. Day 4 Physical I took a real inventory of my body this morning before running-my whole body

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