
Immigrants and Domestic Workers

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Domestic workers are usually women and girls who perform a variety of domestic acts within and for households. The kind of task they are very different, it changes from cooking, cleaning, and looking after children and sometimes they are asked to perform tasks that they shouldn’t be asked to do. There are tens of millions of domestic workers all over the world from Australia, Asia, and Latin American, Europe to Africa. In some countries domestic work represents up to 10% of total employment (Domestic workers across the world: Global and regional statistics and the extent of legal protection, 2013) In this literature review I will mainly talk about domestic labor and workers, and the question I’ll be answering throughout my paper is: in what ways domestic labor is diffusing nowadays and what are the problems they face? It will be divided as the following; all the subtopics all be discussing through this paper, will mainly serve the main idea and answer the question. Firstly, I’ll explain the term domestic violence, and then I’ll talk about the role played by the United Nations in improving the state of domestic workers. Additionally, I’ll explain the diffusion of the domestic workers nowadays in the world, later I will specify it the Middle East, especially in Egypt. In addition, to make the literature review more variable I will include six interviews including two foreigner maids, two Egyptian maids, and two householders. Moreover, I’ll relate to the topic with our course by talking about the book Doméstica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring in the Shadows of Affluence by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo. Finally, I’ll talk precisely about migrant domestic workers and what other problems they face. Some householders treat their workers in a very bad way. Slavery becomes very much alike. Domestic workers manage sometimes to escape but some are trapped, unable to leave, and can’t contact or call their families. They sometimes manage to claim their rights by the help of some organizations. Domestic violence is when a person tries to control or use power over someone. It can be physical, psychological, sexual or financial. In most cases, they are held by men and suffered by women. Any woman can be a victim and it can happen in any home. (Tatum, 2000) In the domestic workers field, the most common abuse is physical, financial and psychological. The physical abuse can result in physical injury and in some cases it may be a threat to life. It does not always leave visible marks or scars. Over time, things often get worse, it might include, being beaten, slapped, be hit with a stick or a belt. Financial abuse is a form of domestic violence where the abuser uses money to control someone. This strategy is used, to make sure that domestic workers can never leave and become financially independent. Psychological abuse is an emotional abuse that is very effective to destroy someone mentally. This form of abuse is as damaging as physical abuse. It often includes threats, sexual abuse or physical and being constantly criticized. Domestic workers are a very important part of the global work power. They are considered in the informal sector and are among the most vulnerable categories of workers. Domestic workers are employed by private householders often without any appropriate and suitable employment contract. Currently, there are at least fifty-three million domestic workers worldwide, excluding child domestic workers and eighty-three percent of them are women. (Domestic workers, 2014) That number is increasing in developed countries. The United Nations played an important role in diffusing and protecting the domestic workers rights. According to the United Nations: “Despite the domestic workers important role, they are among the most exploited and abused workers in the world” (Pushing for justice for domestic workers, 2014). Many and many of women and girls around the world work in the domestic labor in private houses. Supposedly, they have specific roles, either they clean, take care of children or cook. However, sometimes they perform other tasks and jobs for their employers. They regularly work seven days a week with around fourteen to eighteen hours per day and they don’t get paid enough (Pushing for Justice for Domestic Workers,2014). Some of them, face physical and sexual violence during their work, and others they are locked in the house and don’t go out. The United Nations then adopted a new international treaty “the Domestic Workers Convention” in June 2011, providing the first global standards to protect domestic workers (Pushing for justice for domestic workers, 2014) However, even after this treaty, domestic workers are still treated as if they are slaves and inferior in some countries. In addition, there is an organization called international labour organization (ILO) that helps in a way the domestic workers rights. There a convention adopted by this organization that final

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