Faraz S. Ahmed The question of free will is not entirely determined, it does not hold any practical significance whether we have free will or not. Yet, for human beings to be civilized and responsible for their respective actions they have no choice but to believe that they have free will. Free will is the simplest and quickest answer to reason one’s actions; in reality free will is only an illusion. The theory that- free will exist- have been defended by many philosophers by embracing another illusion called compatibilism. Compatibilists believe that a person is free as long as he is free from any outer or inner compulsions. The rejection of free will does not necessarily mean the end of morality or codes of ethical behavior, we can still condemn the intention to harm or commit fraud and pass new laws. I am going to argue that free will is only an illusion by enlightening the questions raised against theological doctrines and using physical and logical theories with the help of Roskies’ neuroscience challenges to free will and Wegner’s illusion to conscious will. If God is omnipotent and omniscience as all major religions believe, this means that nothing happens if God does not will it. So our actions are by the will of God and not our will. Theologians have often responded by saying that God is omnipotent, i.e. He can control us if He wishes, but he is not. However, they fail to explain the omniscience attribute of God which poses problem for human freedom (127), i.e. If God is All-Knowing than he must know the future and what is to become of us, so no matter how hard we try, we cannot surprise God because He knows our choices; He knows what we are going to eat for breakfast; you might think that you have the freedom to choose between cereal or eggs but God knows what you will eat, and this cannot be free will to choose what to eat. Over last 50 years we have advanced in brain imaging and analyzing mental processes, these new findings in neuroscience have almost always addressed the matter of free will. It is important to understand that our will is not our own, our actions are determined by our thoughts and understandings, causes of which we are unaware an