Introduction This paper discusses the marketing efforts of glass cleaner household product. It describes the various types of advertising or media communication used to advertise glass cleaner product. Company did not use effective advertising to promote the glass cleaner, so it failed to influencer customers’ buying decisions. It recommends the effective marketing medium for glass cleaner to attract the customers. Various Types of Media Communication Organizations use different mediums to publicize its products and services. Glass cleaner companies use different types of media communications such as the newspaper, television, radio, internet, direct mail to advertise the glass cleaner (O'Guinn, Allen & Semenik, 2011). Most of the companies use print advertising to target a specific audience based on geographic area or common interest for glass cleaner. Newspapers and magazines are used to explain the multiple uses of products for household by placing ads with an image. More than 70 percent of local advertising is placed on the radio for glass cleaner to target the local audiences. It uses local languages while broadcast advertisements on the radio to target the local audiences (Green, 2011). This product is also advertised through television. Television combines sound or moving images, so it explains effectively about the use of this household product. Most of the household products are being advertised on television for entertainment in a regular basis, so it is an effective way to advertise the household products (Kloss & Abé, 2001). Details of products are repeated many times during the program that attract the customers effectively and influence its buying decision. Due to coverage of mass market and large customer segment, these advertising forms were used for glass cleaner. Success of Advertising Forms US household cleaning products market stood at $4.1 billion in 2000 that reduced to $3.97 billion in 2004, which shows less efficiency of the advertising forms selected to market the product. The market growth rate for cleaner was decreasing continuously that affected the success of glass cleaner produc