Being a twin is like being one in the same, forming at the same time. Twins and multiples are a miraculous sight to behold; you have more than one child being born at one time. The great debate when dealing with twins and multiples is: Do we raise them separately or together? Do we dress them identical or show individuality? Twins have the coincidence of being born at the same time and should be raised as individual people; raising them identically cuts off their individuality and can disrupt their development not only in school but in a social aspect. Dressing twins identically is what they are known for. Once you dress twins identically and call them as a pair they will always be identified as a pair and not as individuals. It is very hard to differentiate oneself from something he/she is known for. The dressing of twins identically cuts off their individualism and personal expression. Now with that being said dressing them similarly i.e. the same dress or shirt but in opposing colors is fine, however identical garb is not okay. However, many parents of twins state that dressing twins identically is a good thing. They believe it looks cohesive when you see the children together, shows that they are in fact twins and is just adorable. Parents find it easier to just run into a store and grab two identical garments in identical sizes and run out. Dressing twins identically when young is not a problem. The problem arises when the children are being “forced” to dress identically because parents still believe its “cute.” Even if the children are 12 years old. Despite the aesthetic appeal of dressing twins identically, it is important for twins to develop and grow as individuals. Twins are the same age, so that means they do in fact start school at the same time. The challenges when enrolling twins into school are: Do we place them into the same classroom? Or do we separate them? Twins should not be in the same classroom environm