Texting, or any kind of electronic communication, has single-handedly killed romance. Sending sweet messages on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram prevents the intimate basics of one-on-one contact. Often, when a text is sent, both the sender and the recipient scrutinize every word. When we text a person, we tend to hide behind a “digital cloak”. Texting is now the new form of communicating; confining and isolating. It has driven true romance to a communicative stop sign. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any other social network prevents us from having a one on one contact in front of another human being. They may not be themselves behind the phone. The person behind that phone is probably sending a sweet message to the other person but how do we know that’s what they really mean? This can cause catfish, in other words, being a fake. These social networks is now a new easy way to have contact with different other people rather than making a phone call or meeting them in person. These accounts prohibit people from actually getting to know the real person and showing their true character instead of what they put on their “Bio”. When texting another person, people tend to hide behind a digital cloak. This means that people are afraid to show their true selves. They rely on spell check, punctuation and writing higher standard words. This allows them to think that they are superior versions which makes them look less attractive. These people want to feel like they are correct. When hiding behind this digital cloak they don’t show their true selves and they don’t express the way they actually are. This stops them from being less romantic. Texting has made a guy a less of a man by texting another girl instead of meeting her up and getting to know each another one on one. This also makes the girl venerable to being shy. When texting another person it creates a bubble and when it does not work out they can simply pop it and not ta