Imagine being kept in a cramped metal cage for your entire life, only to be brought out of the cage to have tests done on you. You were force-fed chemicals leaving chemical burns, bleeding all over and blinded due to having something put in your eye. Companies all over the world have been using animals to test their products fir safety of consumers for many years. Drugs, cosmetics and cleaners are the types of products that are being used for tests on animals to insure that the products being tested are not hazardous to humans or to the environment. Why should animals have to endure testing of commercial products for the consumer that wants to make their face and skin look good? Over 100 million animals die each and every year due to laboratories, but that number could be much bigger because animals such as mice, rats and birds are not covered by the animal welfare act. Animals should not have to go through these cruel tests for consumers, if the consumer themselves are not willing to be tested on. Animal testing should not be using by commercial companies due to the fact that it is cruel and inhumane, animals are poor test subjects because they are different from humans and there are many alternative test methods that does not involve animals. Millions of animals die each and every year from cruel and inhumane commercial testing. Animals that go through testing are often force to eat and inhale chemicals that cause burning, bleeding and even death most times. While these animals are bring tested go through an immense amount of pain and are not given any sort of anesthesia or pain medication for relief. Not only are they are deprived pain relief they “Even food, water, medical care and infant access to mothers are routinely denied if deemed to be necessary for experimental conditions” (vivisection). If people can get put in jail for animal abuse for not feeding or properly taking care of there pets but it is legal for commercial co