
Children, Violence and Video Games

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Filmmaker Michael Moore in his Oscar winning documentary "Bowling for Columbine," he reinforces the fact that we, as Americans, live in a violent world. Throughout the movie he shows how easy it is for someone to own a gun if they wanted to. Also, he shows how many people have died in different countries because of guns alone. The result is not in our favor, because 11,127 people die because of guns alone in the United States of America every year (Bowling for Columbine). As the years go on it’s likely to only get worse if we don’t stand and make a change. However, guns wasn’t the only concern of Moore's, he also said that music, video games, graphic novels and movies, all have an impact on the increasing violence in our generation (Bowling for Columbine). Furthermore, Communications Director at University of Michigan Institute for Social research, Diane Swanbrow in her essay “Violent Media Numbs Viewers to Pain of Others,” explains that “In a recent study it was reported that violent video games and movies make people numb to the pain and suffering of others” (165). Indicating that, people who watch or play violent video games or movies are slower to react to help someone in need, as opposed to someone watching or playing a regular station (Swanbrow 166). However, keeping in mind that video games and movies are not the only contributors to kids acting violent. Although there are many contributors to children’s outrageous violence, movies, music, video games as well as parent awareness are some of the main ones. Although many may argue that children’s violence has nothing to do with what they watch or how they spend their free time, they too have a valid point. Just because a child watches a horror movie or two, doesn’t mean that he or she is going to go out and kill people the next day (Bowling for Columbine). Just as Columnist, Tim Goodman, in his passage “Hate Violence? Turn it off!” states that, “if you don’t like what you see on the television, you should change the channel or turn it off” (167). Meaning, just because it’s playing on air that doesn’t mean that you have to sit there and watch it till the end, NO! Turn it off! For example, yes even though I’m not a child anymore, I know that if I watch a horror movie, I will have nightmares. Therefore, if a scary movie or show is on, no one is forcing me to sit there and watch it. A couple years ago we had a movie night at my friend house and they decided to watch Saw 5, and I wasn’t going to stop them just because of me, so I went to the other room to do some homework and eventually a couple more people joined me because they too couldn’t watch it. An award winning American Author and comic book writer Gerard Jones says in his essay, “Violent Media is Good for Kids,” says bloody video games and gun-glorifying gangster rap, give kids a tool to master their rage. So pretty much that’s like their fantasy land and they have their own super heroes and superpowers and they can’t ever be wrong, because it goes as they want it to (Jones 182). Also in Moore’s documentary, he has the founder of the gun shows speak that guns are needed to protect themselves and because the police won’t always be there (Bowlin

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