Insincere, disingenuous, false, hollow, designing, tricky, wily, illusory, and fallacious are all words that describe an individual with deceitful intentions. In the play "The Heracles of Euripides," by Michael R. Halleran, Hera, Zeus’ wife is portrayed as a deceitful individual with motive and drive to be rid of Heracles from her life. For several reasons Hera has a hatred for Heracles resulting in actions from birth to end his life as well as casting a spell upon him that enters him into a madness state as he murders his wife and children. Heracles feels guilt and sorrow as he is pulled out of his murderous state by Goddess Athena and vows to take his life as penance for his actions (Halleran 1146). Even though this is true, Heracles was put into a madness state by Iris and Madness sent by Hera, killing his wife and children, this play raises the question is Heracles the true killer of his family? Before Heracles was conceived, Zeus was known to have affairs with many women, but Hera was unable to seek revenge on Zeus himself, she was only able to punish Zeus’ lovers and their children. Heracles’ mother was Alcmena, wife of Amphitryon, his father the king of the gods, Zeus. While away, Zeus portrayed Amphitryon, took upon his fondness and bedded his wife, Alcmena. When Alphitryon returned from his journey it didn’t take long to realize what had happened but by then it was too late, Heracles had been conceived. When Hera learns of such actions and the outcome of his betrayal she wills herself to make sure Zeus is not able to follow through with his prophecy of Heracles becoming the next greatest King, that her son will follow Zeus. In this case Heracles was born after Hera’s son, due to Hera’s mischievous actions, but Heracles’ half brother was not as strong or as powerful as Heracles himself. Heracles’ strength and god-liken attributes provided Hera with a threat that she devoted her life to rid of. In my opinion Hera is a very insecure individual and deals with her issues indirectly. In "The Heracles Euripides," Heracles’ strength and god-like attributes are demonstrated through his twelve labors as he enacts the role of a hero. He rids the ancient world of disorder, ridding it of beasts and dangers, so pleasantries can take place. This is demonstrated on lines 565-575 of Euripides’ Heracles, as Heracles prepares to fight for his family so the pleasantries can be restored (Halleran, 565-575). Hera takes into account these actions and does everything in her will to prevent him from returning. In my opinion Hera fee