
Positive and Negative Traits

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“It has always seemed strange to me the things we admire in men are the concomitants of failure in our system...and while men admire the quality of the first they love the produce of the second.” Although this quotes has many different interpretations, to me, this quote is talking about how society detests those that are better off than them, while the more “humble” traits of the average or unsuccessful person are praised as essential. In modern society today, the losers and failures (or the majority) are the ones who create opinions and biases, while the successful people (the minority) must follow the status quo. Love in reality is a sham, full of lies and emptiness. Kindness, generosity, openness, understanding, and feeling, when deeply evaluated are the offspring of failure. People who failed in the past seemed nice and helped others, all in hopes of receiving compensation. As time went on however, the majority of the world imposed on everyone that these traits were the traits that were good or essential to a happy and prosperous life. And while these traits are mostly expressed in goodwill today, in reality, they were created from many of the “deadly” sins such as greed and envy. Only after many years of evolution and prosperity, have these traits become real throughout the majority and minority. Sharpness, curiosity, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism, and self-interest are the original traits and characteristics of the human race. They can be traced back to Adam and Eve who despite being told not to by God, took the apple and bit it anyways. Their actions show curiosity and greed, for they wanted something that was not theirs. However, these traits can lead to success for many people. For if one does not want anything, how can one gain it? You can only care for others when you have something to give. In all of human history, these “bad” traits have been essential for people and the advancement of mankind

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