I like to call my bedroom my “chamber.” Upon entering my room, you’ll see my collection of the items I've collected over many years. There are many colored lights and black lights, my wall decorations (including my hot wheels), my TV, as well as other miscellaneous items. My chamber is small, but there's enough space for my stuff and this makes it a warm and comfortable place. At night, my black and colored lights completely flood the room, illuminating the ceiling with a blueish tinge. However, not everything in my room is sensitive to the black lights, the few posters, my glass fixture above my dresser, and other glowing materials. These lights give much character to the defined space, for whoever enters anyway, will change colors from white to a kind of ultra violet. Different color clothes change different colors. Other lights also give my room its nice effect. It’s nice to lay around with everything on, just relaxing. Above my dresser is a white fixture. At a quick glance it’s just a normal light, but when turned on it emits a spooky Halloween orange. It’s not really a powerful light but it gives a slight effect if the black lights are off. In my closet I have a small rotating light with many colors and different shapes, kind of like a disco ball. This light is only enough to light the closet, I’d say that this light is only about the size of a softball. The lights combined just have a unique look. Around my walls is cluttered with many small items, I have four posters that mainly represent video games that I used to play, and the music I was and am still into, classic rock mainly. The biggest thing on my walls is my Hot Wheels collection which consists of forty-seven of my favorite cars assorted colors of course. My most prized one is the 1973 Ford Falcon GT XB. It’s racing orange with ragged yellow racing stripes running the length. All of my collectables are just hanging from small tacks pushed into the wall,