
Being Online - Benefits and Distractions

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The "click, click, click" of a mouse; a very common noise we're quite accustomed to hearing. Personally, I am completely infatuated my computer, the internet and all it enables me to do. There are many benefits to getting online and perusing the web, and I am challenged to think of a subject that isn't somehow represented in cyberspace. It can seem that it opens the world to us. Even though it may seem that the internet is all good, there is a huge impact of negative boundaries that can keep us from doing the beneficial tasks, and those are called distractions.The internet is a very beneficial daily tool to us, but it has negative impacts on our thinking as well. Having a quick connection to the internet today all happens within a few taps of our fingertips. With the internet being as quick as it is, we don’t have an excuse to not get anything done. “Research that once required days in the stacks or periodical rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes” (Is Google Making Us Stupid? Carr). For example, school is almost completely online now. I have never used the internet so much and so rapidly in my whole school career until college came along. I take my quizzes online, do my homework online because it has to be typed, and do projects with the help of the web. A wide selection of devices are available on a daily basis to access the internet. Humans, with assistance from technology, have come up with computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. These devices are the most used to access the web. Whenever I am in a situation where I need to a certain something, I pull out my smartphone and instantly connect to the web. Thanks to Wi-Fi, a facility allowing computers, smartphones, or other devices to connect to the Internet or communicate with one another wirelessly within a particular area, we can connect just about anywhere. Quick access to information doesn’t just mean how quick we can connect, but how fast we can retain t

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