Things Fall Apart although is an African novel but the themes and underlying messages which Achebe successfully delivers are relatable and provide true for people living all across the globe in all times to come. It is these different forms of certainty which unfold important themes of the novel and that is the need to delve into the native culture along with constructing, deconstructing and re-constructing it and also making certain additions and subtractions from it for the good of the society and one’s individual self. Achebe is one of those African writers who has successfully managed to produce indigenous texts which are rooted in the African culture and this surety and the ability to paint a quintessentially representative image of the African society while being able to give concrete insight into the psyche of the characters. These characters definitely resonate a certain form of concrete certainty. This certainty is about the richness of the African culture. Achebe has actually set the story in the pre-colonial times while it was originally written in the colonial times. We are given quite a lot of detailed descriptions of elements of African indigenous culture in the novel and this is seen more often in the beginning of the novel and that probably is to set the setting and make it clearer. We see Achebe coming up with short but concrete and vivid descriptions of the prevalent justice codes, trial process, family, cultural and other social rituals, the customs of marriage, production of food along with its preparation processes. Special references to the process of shared leadership for the community are given which inform us about the prevalence of a proper governing and check and balance system along with religious beliefs and the way they are brought into practices are discussed in great detail. We are also told of how a common man can climb the ladder of success of the clan through his own hard work, consistency and effo