When looking at a watershed there are many aspects that can help or diminish the health of a body of water. For the purposes of this report we will go over some of the techniques used at WSUV as a way of finding the quality of water around campus. Some of the tests that were preformed at the time of the quality checks was DO, pH, tributary, temperature, depth, width, and water speed. These test were performed at three location on the WSUV property. The first location was Mill Creek on campus, the second location was a retention pond for water runoff, and the last location was the pond by the book store. These locations were picked for us and the researchers had no say in the spots that were investigated. We started our water quality test on Mill Creek. He we found that the class average pH was 7.54. This score is an indicator that the creek is about average in its acidity which was what I expected to see with the types of trees and fauna that is around the bank of the creek. The next test that was preformed was the DO. The average DO for Mill Creek was 9.89 Mg/L. This is what I would have expected for a creek of this size with the flow rate that it has, but for us to understand the full reasoning for our DO, we needed to take the temperature of the creek to see if this in any way would affect our DO. When looking at the temperature of the creek which had an average temperature of about 9.45 C, we knew the warmer the water the less DO will be found the cooler the water the more DO it has. If I had to make a judgment on the quality of the water of Mill Creek after performing these tests I would have to say that I feel it is a stable clean watershed. We them moved on to the retention pond that holds all the water runoff from the parking lots and other places on campus. After looking at the low levels of water in the retention pond and not letting any out let to make oxygen I made a prediction with my team that that the DO for this spot