The book of 1 Samuel accounts the lives of Samuel the prophet, Saul, Israel’s first king, and David, Israel’s second king. The people of Israel are God’s chosen people. They are whom he had set apart, provided for, proclaimed for them a great nation. God openly declared His love for Israel many times. Israel's responsibility was to be faithful, and obedient to God by keeping his commandments, statutes, and judgments. That is all God asked of them. Israel had God's love, favor, and provision. However, having God as their sovereign ruler was not enough. They decided that they needed a king, a physical king. The Israelites said to the prophet Samuel, “Appoint a king to lead us like all the other nations" [1]. They wanted someone to judge them, because every other nation had a supreme king and judge. Even after Samuel spoke a warning from God, they still requested a king. God then granted their request. The people of Israel had rejected God by requesting a king. The people chose Saul. The people of Israel were pleased with their new leader’s victory over Nahash, and this solidified Saul’s authority as Israel’s king. Israelites believed Saul would be a great choice for king. He was what they thought a king should look like, tall, handsome, and fit. The Israelites focused on his outward appearance rather than his heart. He was not God’s choice for king [2]. Even though their king had a great beginning, he was lacking true humility and wisdom. Saul’s poor choices caused his kingdom to deteriorate rapidly [3]. Through his wars and victories, Saul hoped to carry on and honor. Nonetheless, his negligence laid his honor in the dust. The last straw was, “Saul's disobedience in following the divine command of exterminating the Amalekites caused Yahweh to reject him as king” [4]. Samuel mourned for Saul, and the Lord was grieved that he had made Saul king over Israel [5]. The Lord then sent Samuel off to Jesse of Bethlehem