
Observation of Young Ethnic Child

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Gender: Female Ethnic Origin: Indonesian Age: 1 years and 11 months old (21-03-13) How do you know this child? I know this cute little kid from my sister, this child is the daughter of my sister best friend I know my sister best friend very well. The child that I observed for this project named Dinka (that’s what they called her) So I often go to her house to visit Dinka, she’s so active and she can’t even sit properly without doing anything. And I choose to observe her because I know she likes meeting new people, she’s going to be a sister in a couple of months to a baby girl. I have known Dinka since she was just born. My sister best friend brought her to my house a couple of days after she was born. And I fell in love with Dinka since the first time I saw her; she’s so beautiful and so tiny. And after that I always visit their house to play with Dinka, and when she saw me she will run into me and hugging me, and she always kiss my cheek as a greeting and a goodbye. One time I was just leaving their house, and suddenly she started crying and wouldn’t let go of my feet she clinging into my feet very hard for a kid, and she liked it when I played with her hair and tickling her. Home environment and family lifestyle Dinka lives in a double story house in Kemang, South Jakarta. They just moved in to their house like a couple months ago and the house is really nice, and comfy. She has a nanny that lives in the house to help her with anything. And her family is so cute like a little family that always happy and always teaches their kid how to act in front of people and always be nice but even if they didn’t teach her that she always treat everyone the same. Dinka’s mom is a dentist, and her dad is a businessman. They always leave home at 7 or 8am and then came back at 8pm. But her mom doesn’t work 7 days per week, so her mom kinda plays a role as a really good mom, her mom never leave her with just the nanny or if her parents really busy she will stay at her grandmother house. Every weekend her parent’s will bring her out to the mall or the zoo or sometimes meeting her parents’ friends, and they usually go to a play date with her parents’ child. After meeting for a play date usually they go to watch a movie or eat somewhere nice so they can enjoy family time without being disturbed. And sometimes they go out with her grandparents to buy some new toys and new clothes, because she likes to dress up she’s that kind of girly girl kid. Where did you observe this child and under what circumstances? It was when I visited their house when I went back to Jakarta to do my student visa, I made time to go visit them because I miss Dinka and for the assignment that Queen gave us. I went to their house like at 4pm or 5pm I stayed there for a couple of hours, and I played with her since I got there and until 7 or 8pm and after that we had a dinner together and me and Dinka watch a tv she really loves Disney Junior channel. And after we watch the movie I put her to sleep in her room after she fell asleep I went home and rest. Developmental Information Physical Development Fine Motor Skills When I got to her house and after she kissed my cheek she pull me to her room to showed me a new toys that her parents’ bought for her it’s a kitchen set and she teaches me how to play with the kitchen set she was cooking eggs and pretend to chop some vegetables but the chopping vegetables she didn’t do it by herself I helped her to do it because she doesn’t understand how to do that, after that she asked me how to do the “dishes” and everything else I’m so happy because she’s a smart little girl. Her mom asked me to help her to bathed Dinka because it’s kind

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