Smallpox, is an insidious disease. Smallpox is cause by the Variola virus. The disease gets its name from the Latin word for, “spotted,” referring to it's raised, pustular bumps. This devastating disease had no real treatment or cure. Smallpox has flu like symptoms, and can be transmitted from person to person. It contributed to the decline of civilization, and killed about 30 percent of people who caught it. Those who lived through it were left blind, sterile, or scarred. There are 2 types of Smallpox, Major and Minor. Major Smallpox was the most common. The disease is thought to have originated in India and Egypt, at least 3,000 years ago. The earliest evidence for it was in the mummified remains of the Egyptian Pharaoh, Ramses V. The pharaoh died in 1157 B.C., and which had telltale pockmarks on his skin. There is also evidence from 1545, of Smallpox in India causing 8,000 children to die. Smallpox ended 60 million lives in the 18th century, and 300 million globally in the 20th century. There has been more evidence of Smallpox going from Europe to North America. The epidemic swarmed Europe and Asia till 1796. In 1721, there was a printout of Thomas Thatcher’s pamphlet on smallpox. A doctor thought that bloodletting from the tongue, was a treatment to cure Smallpox. The disease continued to overrun, and caused the Royal death of Queen Mary II of England. Smallpox continued from Boston in 1721, to colonial epidemics in 1730. It continued to London in 1751, and lead to the spread to the word of inoculation, in 1759. In 1768, Catherine the Great of Russia was successfully inoculated. Her inoculation encouraged others to follow, and do the same. In 1777, it became mandatory for military to get a variolation, since George Washington previously contracted it and survived. President Andrew Jackson contracted the disease as a teenager and also lived. In later years the government designate the “Regulations for Inoculation.” The