Entering university has been a big change in lifestyle for me. The different culture has overtaken my expectations. The transition from high school to university wasn't as easy as I imagined. When I was in my last year of high school, all I did was to prepare for my next adventure. I spent an enormous amount of time researching about what to expect, and how to survive the college lifestyle. I have faced a lot of changes as a student, and personally. After I started college, I realized that high school and college life are very different. To begin with, high schools and colleges have different regulations when it comes to dress. My high school had strict uniform regulations, while college students are freely allowed to express themselves through casual clothes, accessories, hairstyles and makeup. College students are given more freedom with their look, and fashion. Moreover, high school and college students have different education systems. In college, students are authorized to choose their own majors. However, high school students cannot be easily inspired, with required classes. A high school student has to attend and listen to the required subjects, without any choice. In college a student can choose their subjects or schedule, and can drop the course if they do not like the professor. In addition, high school has assigned classes with has same classmates for the whole year. On the other hand, college students need to change the classrooms for each subject, and have different classmate in every class. Finally, high school and college have different schedules. High school students are used to routine in their school schedule. They dismiss at the same time, and have same subject schedule every day. College students have different schedules, and have responsibility of arranging their own time. In addition, high school only has lunch as a break time, and college can have longer breaks between classes. In conclusion, I realized that