Introduction In this essay, we are planting four global issues. An issue is a matter of concern or of interest (SEV. 2010). People always have different opinions of the different issues and discuss about it to find out a solution. Here we are planting the four issues and looking for possible solutions. Issues are divided in many types, like political, environmental, economic, social etc, and they focus on this. So, what is GLOBAL issue? Global issues are concern or interest globally, that involves everyone in the world or a certain part of it. When we talk about a global issue we are usually referring to something that affects a number of countries and populations. (SEV, 2010)It is an issue that impacts upon or is important to the global community. I chose four particular issues that involve people over the world. The issues are; Ebola, Tobacco, Global Warming, and AIDS around the world. This four were chosen because they have to be with human and environmental health. Ebola Outbreak in West Africa Ebola is a infective and mortal virus, that its contagion is by simple touch with the infected person or animal. This initially started from the contact of an infected bat, and there is where Ebola was first contaiged from. According to The Guardian, 2014, pharmaceutical firms are not giving Ebola the priority they need. The vaccines and drugs for Ebola are not proven to be safe, and the tests for their safety and effectiveness are being very slow. This is a issue because in the poorest places people are getting contaiged, and don’t have the resources (money) to get one of this drugs and be cured, even there is no certainty that they will work. Diseases like Ebola that affect the poor countries, are the ones that always receive less attention and investment, so this generates another big issue for drug companies that don’t have the profit and create issues about drug treatments and access to medicines. The latest Ebola outbreak who was on 2014, according to the World Health Organization is the largest and more severe of from Ebola was discovered. The virus has been spread in many countries, and thousands of people have died and many in risk of fatality. A solution for this is finding the cure, and analyzing the drugs and vaccines already created to prove its effectiveness or not. Also, is the cure is found it has to be giving to the government and