
A Brief Summary of Oedipus Rex

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Oedipus Rex is the story of a king, in which pride proves to be his downfall. In the city of Thebes, there was a great plague, so in order for this plague to stop actions needed to be taken. Oedipus gathers the city together for a town meeting where the people express their concerns about what is happening to the town. He expresses that he has sent Creon to the oracle to find the root of this plague and that he should be returning anytime. Creon arrives back in Thebes and tells not only Oedipus, but the townspeople as well, that the reason for this plague was because the murderer of their former ruler Laius was in the town. Oedipus makes it very clear that he will do whatever it takes to find the murderer and for the townspeople to reveal any information they might have. Oedipus calls on Creon to bring Teriesias, a “seer” to the city of Thebes to help to reveal who might be the murderer. Teriesias basically blames the murder of Laius on Oedipus in front of the townspeople. This makes Oedipus very angry and he is which to make assumptions that someone is plotting against him. He predicts that since it was Creon who got the seer to come, they that were both trying to overthrow him from his throne. Oedipus threatens Creon with exile but Jocasta, Creon’s sister, intervenes and prevents it claiming the prophecies are always wrong. Oedipus does everything he can to try to figure out the murderer including bringing a “seer” to Thebes. This “seer” indirectly blames the murder on Oedipus. This makes Oedipus very angry, and he takes his anger out on the man who got the seer to come to Thebes, Creon. He guesses that Creon wants to become king and is trying to overthrow him by asking the seer to come. He was in the process of exiling Creon from the town when Jocasta, Oedipus’s wife tells him not to. She does this for the main reason of Creon being her brother. She explains to Oedipus that the seer’s visions are not always corr

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