
Overview of the Middle Ages

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After the fall of Roman Empire, Europe went through centuries of faith, disaster, advancements, and feudalism. This period of time went from A.D. 500 to 1400 is commonly referred as the "Middle Age." There are many labels that can describe the Middle Ages, such as the Age of Faith, the Age of Feudalism, or the Dark Age. However, the Age of Faith should be considered as the best and the most appropriate label due to the dominating power of Roman Catholic Church at that time. The middle Ages is sometimes referred as the dark ages. After the fall of roman empire, a central government collapsed, people moved from urban cities to rural areas to farm in order to survive since there are no longer any trades (doc #1). Many of valuable intellectual heritages of Roman Empire, such as the use of Latin were lost or nearly lost since central government descended and educations cannot be enforced. Muslim invaders took over the southern provinces and Hungarians took over the Eastern provinces caused even more chaos. “society has no longer any government” according to historian Funck-Brentano (Doc #1), “The Barbarians have broken through the ramparts. they sacked town and village, and laid waste the fields. They burn down the churches and departed with a crowd of captives...There is no longer any trade, only unceasing terror.” (Doc#1) Collapse of central government, Loss of valuable intellectual heritages, barbarian invasions, and decline of trade came to represent the Europe as the Dark Ages. The Age of Feudalism is another label for the middle Ages. The feudal obligations works as vassals promises loyalty and military service, in return, lord give protection and land (Doc#4). Self -sufficient systems of feudal rules established basic economy arrangement which restored the economy of Europe (O.I.).The social class is well defined because of feudalism. Although the feudal system restored some peace, it did not work as simple and as clear a

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