
Finding Hope

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What gives me the most hope every day is God's grace; knowing that his grace is going to give me the strength for whatever I face, knowing that nothing is a surprise to God. After my grandfather (Papita) passed away, my family life changed a lot. Losing him was one of the saddest things in our lives. Truly we know that God made things for a reason. A few weeks after Papita's funeral, exactly for Easter week my mother got very sick. As you may imagine, spending Easter week in a hospital wasn't funny at all. My family is my strength, my mother gives the inspiration throughout my life. It was a hot afternoon on April, waiting outside a hospital when Janneth, my cousin, came out and said: "I have bad news, Tia has a brain tumor". My dad looked in disbelief at what he heard. My brother and sister began crying. I was in shock like my dad. My whole world went upside down with that news. I was confused, and I could only think about the worse. My mother, my best friend had a tumor that could be a cancer. "She is been testing, we don't know yet if it is benign or malignant", my cousin said. Janneth was a nurse that worked in that hospital but she was off that day and helping the family out. I walked away; I wanted to be alone but my aunt followed me and hugged me. ''We need to be together on this and be strong because we have hard moments coming this way'', she said. The wait was long and we couldn't even see my mom. She was on observation. Several hours later the doctor finally came to talked to us. "Mrs. Galo has a brain tumor and it is benign", he said. Like my aunt said, hard moments were coming our way. The tumor was bigger than a baseball and it was growing fast. Certainly, she needed a few surgeries. My mom had to get prepared for her first surgery. This surgery was to install a valve. Getting this first surgery done, wasn't going to help her at all. A week after her first surgery, she had her second one. This one was serious and very delicate. Doctors said that it would, take several hours to be done. I don't recall how long that surgery took. Her doctor, named Javier Sanchez Midence, a very good friend of the family now said "Everything went great, she is a very strong woman, now it is time to rest and recovery". The happiness of the family was all around the world. As I mentioned before, we all were very happy and thankful for a such of miracle. That happiness didn't last long; four months later the tumor was back. I was angry at the doctor. He never told us that could happen in such a short time. This time my mom looked worse. She couldn't walk. She didn't recognize her family, but even worse, she lost her memory. The tumor had grown over 50% of its original size. How can that happen? Dr. Sanchez, said that her tumor was hormonal and would tend to grow faster since, they didn't get it all. This happened because it was too close to the brain. Another surgery? Really? I was scared. We didn't have the money to get this surgery done. The two first surgeries were very expensive, and one more would be hard to afford. We didn't have time; she was dying. She was in pain and we didn't have the money to help her. I decided to help with my savings. It wasn't much but it h

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