Gertrude is an interesting character in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, in the sense that her character can be perceived in two different ways. One perception is that she was part of the plot to kill King Hamlet and was in love with Claudius all along. Although this point is arguable, her character is too shallow to prove that she is guilty. Her language is natural and loving unlike Hamlet’s which is cunning and deceiving at times. Also, Gertrude seems very loving to Hamlet several instances in the play which means that she cares too much for him to do something as dreadful as abandoning his father and driving her own son into insanity. Her relationship with Claudius and her final act of defiance support her loyalty to Hamlet and how it succeeds the power of her husband. Although Gertrude can be portrayed to be guilty of King Hamlet’s death, her actions and devotion to Hamlet prove that she is one of the most innocent characters in the play. Gertrude’s is a shallow and flirtatious woman, meaning that her quick marriage with Claudius was not one of betrayal but just her impulse to be flirty. When she is confronted by Hamlet and is in shock and disbelief proves that she was not involved with the murder of her husband. When she says, “What have I done, that thou dar’st wag thy tongue in noise so rude against me?” in response to Hamlet’s accusation, she’s expressing her innocence as well as her shock to his sudden aggression (3.4.47-48). Gertrude has no idea what Hamlet is accusing her of which is explicitly stated when she says, “As kill a king?” (3.4.36). Hamlet was trying to draw some kind of expression that would betray her involvement in killing his father but with no success (Bagaria, personal communication, 19/02/15). In contrast to Claudius’ strong guilty reaction to the play presented by the players, Gertrude reacted with only shock and disapproval when faced with the truth. Her disregard to the truth represents her cluelessness and how she could not decipher the si