"Big History," is an attempt to reconstruct the history of everything back to the very beginning of the universe to the complexity of today’s modern era (Christian). The continuing increases of complexity throughout, "Big History," from the beginning to now, can be described through what is called the, "8 Major Thresholds of Big History." Each of the 8 thresholds marks a significant turning point of an increase of complexity that occurs throughout, "Big History." The topic being intertwined with the concepts of Big History will be my pet dog, Princess. Princess is an 8-year-old pug and is classified as a toy-dog. Pugs are known for their curly, pig-like tails and pushed in nose. Pugs originated in China in the eighteenth century and then expanded into Europe as well as the rest of the world (Mount). Dogs date back to their ancient ancestor, the Hesperocyon, which lived between thirty-eight and fifty-four million years ago (Fogle). A more commonly known ancestor of dogs is the modern canidae, such as jackals, coyotes and wolves, existing about two million years ago; thus, many believe these animals to be the closest relative of domesticated dogs like Princess (Cunliffe). I chose the topic of my dog because I love my dog dearly, and I feel that my dog can be used as a great example to trace how life today and evolution has formed from barely anything to something more complex than one can fully understand. Princess will be used as a connection of each threshold to clearly show the different evolutionary aspects that have increased the complexity of life throughout Big History. About 13.8 billion years ago, the Big Bang occurred, which caused matter to appear in a massive explosion of energy. Threshold one explains the formation of the universe when the Big Bang occurred and then space, time, matter and energy were created. Initially, space was no larger than an atom and it was extremely hot, but as space expanded, it began to cool significantly. Almost instantaneously after this cooling, four types of energy were created such as: gravity, electromagnetic energy, strong nuclear forces and weak nuclear forces. My dog, Princess, has mass, like most things in the world, which then allows her to have a gravitational pull toward the Earth so that she doesn’t float away into the universe. These types of energy allow our universe to remain intact instead of fall apart. If the universe never remained intact, the matter created from the massive explosion would have never been created and then evolution would never be able to occur, leading to the inexistence of other organisms and my pug, Princess. Also, due to the Big Bang, hydrogen, helium and other elements were created, which are the basis of the creation of animals like my dog, Princess, as well as other organisms and we humans. All of the components of life today like time, matter, energy, gravity, etc., were created during threshold one of the Big Bang. Threshold 2 is the origin of stars and galaxies. A few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, atomic matter was brought together to form vast clouds of hydrogen and helium. The universe at this point was a dark space with no variety or diversity. Galaxies, huge smudges of light, formed hundreds of million years later and each galaxy contained billions of little spots of light. These spots of light are known as stars. Stars are what many people and animals, like Princess, use to navigate their way throughout the world so without these stars being created, people and animals would lose their way in the world. Stars are huge storages of hydrogen and helium that have a center of extremely hot temperatures. The center of the star generates heat and light, which cause the star to have its bright, shiny color that many people love to gaze at during the night. Every bit of that extremely hot temperature creates energy flow throughout the entire universe. These flows of energy are what stand as part of the basis of the creation of a new entity and an increase of complexity (Christian). These flows of energy will later help the creation of living organisms like Princess. Without the galaxies and stars, Princess, as well as we humans, would never be created in the universe. Closely related to threshold two is threshold three – the creation of new chemical elements. This threshold tells of the creation of ninety-elements such as oxygen, that all living organisms use to breathe, as well as other elements. Princess is made up of many elements like oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, along with many more elements as well. Because the Big Bang created hydrogen gas, energy, oxygen, and carbon, it gave the ability for animal