
Judaism and Hinduism

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Two of the most fundamental religions in history and in the world today are Hinduism and Judaism. Hinduism, being predominant in India, and Judaism, being mainly in Israel, have many complex differences as well as similarities. These two ancient religions differ on there belief of God, their afterlife, and their place in social life and hierarchy. One of the biggest differences between Hinduism and Judaism is in their belief of God. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, meaning that there is a belief in multiple Gods. Some people debate, however, if there is one God or many, because the Gods are in many different forms of one God. The three main Gods are Shiva- the destroyer, Vishnu- sustainer of life, and Bhrama-destroyer. Judaism, on the other hand, was started by Abraham and is a monotheistic religion, meaning that there is a belief in only one God. This fundamental difference is a basic contrast between both religions, though some can argue that they are similar in there belief of one God, just that Hinduism has different forms of that one God. The views also diverge of the belief of their afterlife. Though both believe that somethings happens to a person after one is dead, the view of what exactly happens is different. In Judaism, one believes that after one dies, one goes to a heaven of sorts. The person is not reborn into another life; one just goes into an afterworld. Hinduism, believes in a complicated system called reincarnation. They believe in three basic terms: dharma, samsara, and kharma. Dharma means duty, and is what one is required and bound to do in life, like scooping cow poop, but jobs were done by different hierarchy of people. Samsara is the movement up through the levels to get to the top. If one get to the top, one attains nirvana, which is the desired highest level. Finally, karma is one's fortune. So to make it simple, if you follow the dharma, you will have good karma, and then can achieve nirvana. These vi

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