
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

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In Mark Haddon’s "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time," the protagonist Christopher Boone, puts logic before anything else. Christopher has a unique way of thinking through situations in his life. He relies on structure and order causing it to be difficult to accept change. However, with the help of math and logical thinking, Christopher brings himself to realize his full potential. Therefore, math and logic are influential factors for Christopher to make decisions, which makes him more independent and helps him complete his quest. He uses math and logical thinking to uncover absences in his life. Furthermore, math and logic provide a sense of control and calmness for Christopher which helps him cope with difficult situations he faces. Finally, math and logic are Christopher’s answers to problems that occur in his life as well as help him make decisions. Christopher uses his skills in math and logic in order to assist him in uncovering the absences in his life. Mrs.Shears’ dog Wellington, was murdered and Christopher is determined to find the killer of his neighborhood; he does so by “imagining a chain of Reasoning” which helps him come up with his “Prime Suspect." This logical approach gives Christopher a sense of comfort because he is now one step closer to solving the mystery. Christopher’s mother is also absent from his life. His father tells him that his mother is dead; however, Christopher finds letters his mother has written to him “18 months after [his] mother had died.” He tries to logically think of a reason behind the letters and when he cannot come up with one, he loses his control over the situation because he cannot understand it. Fortunately, Christopher keeps reading the letters and he is able to uncover the fact that his “Mother had not died." He also discovers that his “Father had lied about this." Truth is very important to Christopher due to the fact that when a lie is being told

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