It is known by almost everybody that smoking is an individual behavior that results in numerous health problems like cancer, heart attacks, strokes and bronchitis as well as social, economic and legal problems. Nevertheless, the number of smokers stays very high among the population. My interest is to analyze the relationship between the macro and micro sociology of smoking behavior among individuals and society. Smoking is an individual behavior, which occurs in a cultural and social context. Nowadays, the act of smoking is legal, but it is socially and religiously undesirable. Surprisingly, as society evolves, smoking becomes less and less socially acceptable, since awareness campaigns against cigarettes have become more convincing and persuasive. Smoking is not considered desirable anymore, for new antismoking campaigns have helped to portray it as dangerous and disgusting. The fact that smoking is a negative and unhealthy behavior (proven to contain carcinogens substances) is slowly being anchored in the mind of the society, thus discouraging this behavior. On the other hand, a smoker has this distorted image of a socially successful and rebellious person as if cigarettes have the ability to completely improve the image that an adolescent have of himself. As an example, a study conducted among teenagers compared high school student’s ratings of a photograph of a model smoking with ratings of the same model but without the smoking cues. The attributes and cluster of traits given to a smoker turned out to be mainly educational failure, toughness and precocity, they are also seen as more attractive. Moreover, This ambivalent image of a smoker can be linked to more adolescent smoking in order to be labeled as “cool," one of the many examples of the stereotypes given to a smoker. Therefore, smoking is a behavior adopted by teenagers to control and improve their self-image, especially since medias sometimes represent smokers as being sophisticated, attractive, and socially successful people despite the increase of awareness and campaigns to prevent smoking. According to the imaginary audience behavior, Adolescents may begin to smoke in order to feel satisfied about others opinion of them; teenagers are not smoking for themselves, they smoke for the reaction they get from society and use cigarettes as a symbol to project the image they want to others. Therefore, they adopt a certain behavior as a form of impression management. In order to fit in, people must abide with the ideas and attitudes of the mass behavior so that they may func