
The Death of Chivalry

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As humans, we adapt to our surroundings and evolve over time, progressing into more modern version of ourselves. As we progress, we are bound to leave some fragments of ourselves in the past, absorbing the latest elements of our time, but we ultimately hold on to our rooted values that make us who we are. A good way to understand the evolution of communication is to compare modern media, to media from the past. The Notebook is a romantic drama set in the 1940’s, and the most significant theme throughout the movie is that love conquers all. Regardless of opposing factors such as Allie’s refusal to see Noah at first, her parent’s disapproval, and waiting years for Noah’s letters that never came, their love never died. On the other hand, Friends with Benefits is a modern day romantic comedy that follows the relationship between a New York headhunter that enters a no-strings-attached relationship with her latest client, but unexpectedly finds herself in a complicated situation when emotions get involved. As well as being a human phenomenon, this concept allows for the better understanding of the modern relationship as well. As we observed the various generations, technology has become a major influence in most modern day relationships; not only used as an outlet to reach your loved one, but also as an easier communication avenue to cheat. Maybe our grandparents are old fashioned, but until women wise up and ask for the things they deserve, chivalry will seize to exist. Eloquence of romance and courtship has evolved just as we have, becoming increasingly casual and forthright. Due to the rise and advancement in technology, Chivalry is completely dead. In the culture we now live in, it seems to be completely impossible for men to do what is perceived to be the ‘normal’ thing. From our grandmothers to our mothers, boys have been taught to pull out chairs and hold doors, pay for dinner and drinks, and pursuing a woman implied a date. When did what was once an expectation become an acceptation? Dating is done, but on the rare occasion that a girl is taken out, it is most likely initiated via text message. The channel of communication is less personal; thoughts that are said are easily communicated through text messages. Text messaging allows for emotional expression without vulnerability. Courtship has evolved rapidly in the 21st century, such as the acceptance of online dating and the assortment of smart phone dating applications as a ‘norm’. Tinder is a social application that helps individuals meet new people by finding nearby matches and connecting them if they are both interested. Grindr, is a location-based application to meet gay,

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