
Summary of American Gun Control Laws

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One of the biggest issues being debated in the United States right now is the laws and regulations of firearms. While there are some people who believe there need to be more restrictions and regulations on possession of firearms. There are many people who think that they need to make it easier for people to possess a firearm and be allowed to carry it. I feel as if they should ease up on the regulations and laws against firearms. People in this country have a constitutional right to own firearms and I think that should not be taken away from them. I feel as though we need to change many of the gun regulations on a federal level. Today many people are fighting to put a ban on firearms. This issue needs to not only be addresses at the state level but at the national level. There needs to be a way to certify individuals who wish to obtain a firearm, so that they can purchase a firearm and ammunition. A list of all of those certified should be kept in a secure database. This information should be readily available to law enforcement officers so that they are aware if someone whose house they are approaching is likely to have a firearm. Officers will also be able to check people’s names with the list to make sure they are actually certified to own a firearm. When it comes to what firearms the public should be allowed to own I feel as though there should be some similar restrictions. One thing I think should be changed is that all semi-automatic weapons should be available, along with handguns, and some fully automatic weapons. The semi-automatic weapons and handguns are not overly powerful and are becoming more popular in the hunting community. When it comes to fully automatic weapons I feel as though there should be restrictions along with going through a more in depth certification process to obtain a fully automatic weapon. Anyone who owns multiple firearms should be required to own a proper firearm safe that meets a set of regulations. The safe should have some sort of locking mechanism with an unlocking code. Many crimes committed with firearms are done so using a firearm that was illegally obtained, which sometimes means theft. All thefts of firearms need to be reported by law. Things I thin

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