The novel "Parable of the Sower,” is a powerful, thoughtful, and inspiring novel that should be recommended to anyone who enjoys a good read. The novel is about the main character, Lauren, who grows up in a dystopian society in which the government is not functioning well and there is chaos everywhere. She is born with this remarkable ability to “feel” the pain of others which affects her thought process and ideologies throughout the novel. The author, Butler, writes a bold story involving the tale of Lauren and her travels throughout this world and how she finds peace. The author uses many themes in the story about humanity and offers some predictions as well. Throughout this essay, I will identify themes as well asses the author’s predictions, and will insert my personal viewpoints and takes on what the author was trying to convey. The book takes place in 2024 in world that is anything but peaceful. Lauren and her family live in a world where, “most of the street poor-squatters, winos, junkies, homeless people in general-are dangerous. They’re desperate or crazy or both. That’s enough to make anyone dangerous” (pg 6). This means that it is so unsafe, that it would be, “Crazy to live without a wall to protect you” (pg 6). To think that only 10 years from today, society has degenerated so much that one needs a wall to be surrounded just to live. The author even goes as far as suggesting it would be preposterous to do so without one. Although it seems like a stretch, it is unnerving that it could be possible that our world could come to such a state. What is also interesting is how quickly that Lauren and her family have adapted to the surroundings. Lauren’s father “carries a nine millimeter automatic pistol whenever he leaves the neighborhood. He carries it on his hip where people can see it. He says that discourages mistakes. Armed people do get killed-most often in crossfires or by snipers-but unarmed people get killed a lot more often” (pg 15-16). Carrying weapons is a common occurrence as described by the author. To me, this is another curious element as I would think the government would try to have regulated weapon usage by this point. Over the last 3 years in our present world, there has been a lot of talk about gun violence and regulation. Now, in just 10 years, guns are ubiquitous. Another way people have adapted is by wearing filthy and dirty clothes. Lauren says, “You?re supposed to be dirty now. If you?re clean, you make a target of yourself. People think you?re showing off, trying to be better than they