Kurt Vonnegut’s 1973 novel, "Breakfast of Champions" satirizes many aspects of American ideology. This satire emerges when one identifies the patterns of thought (assumptions) that distinguish individuals as active participants I the convoluted conflicts of American culture. Moreover, these crises are indicative of what Vonnegut sees as the flaws in American life. Based on the basic elements of this set national assumptions, one can see clearly the use of Vonnegut’s satires America in the way of race, class, gender, history and environmental. One can see the way Vonnegut’s implies to the topics in an impolite and very criticism way. Having all these different ideas on Vonnegut’s gets one thinking how they affect the nation and society to behave in a certain way. The assumptions of American identity certain are effected and are put out there in a form of capability and entitlement. First of all, the use of racism is shown by the way individuals characterize the use of color. Color meant everything at the time of the construction of the United States of America. Vonnegut says, “The sea pirates were white. The people who were already on the continent when the pirates arrived were copper colored. When slavery was introduced onto the continent, the slaves were black.” We can conclude how they separated and categorized individuals. The use of racism has always been around this country and it’s perhaps the same reason why it is difficult for certain people to move on from it. Vonnegut was impolite and he understands that people brought many colors to the country as possible to insure that the Americans were the only race in the nation in order to have racial classification. Secondly, the results to acknowledge that neither gender is superior or inferior in the American identity. Vonnegut satires both man and woman, and shows how one cannot ignore another existence so that they will be able to appreciate each other. Hoover’s